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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Topic 1

In my opinion, after watching the video, the two obvious critical reflection that had been shown were ;

Social Media produces advanced and high-teched society

Social media invites people to use information technology. This way, all age levels will try to learn how to use the company. Directly this will make the country becomes more developed. The society will also gain better knowledge by using social media. Other than that, the society in the country will become more updated with current issues.

People always find different and better alternatives to promote their products. Better in the way that how they can gain more profit by attracting more consumers to buy their product. Nowadays, various types of companies choose to advertise their products using blog. The author of the blog itself, or mainly called 'blogger', they have their own fans. Their words tend to convince their readers. Therefore, blog is now seen as one of the best alternative to pull consumers to use one's product.

Bring the people together

By using social media, society has the opportunity to voice out their opinion too. We can see that people nowadays use blog to express their feelings and thoughts. The people get to connect with each other much easier. One of the obvious blog that we can see is ; its rating reaches almost a thousand daily. The people voiced out their opinion to our former prime minister. They even give out brilliant ideas and thoughts. Besides that, people use social media for gathering too. They made up their own community based on their interest. With that, people will start joining the community that had been built by the founder. There, they can exchange ideas and broaden their social network. This can also be seen at a well-known community website ;

Social Media does give a huge impact on people all over the world. People even meet their love ones through social networks. All of the words stated above are my opinions towards Social Media. I think social media will keep on improving and people will keep on tracking with the field itself.


Well as for me, I think social media helps me connect with my friends. I get to know them better through alternatives such as, and Other than that, by using those websites, it helps me meet with people who have the same interest as I am. This way, I get to gain more knowledge on what I am interested in by changing ideas and reading their blogs. Social media helps me connect with my friends easier too. Instead of meeting up at a 'mamak' restaurant, I can just instant message them right away through or when I feel like having a chat with my friends.

Taking Media Culture is a good choice although it seems difficult at first. In Media Culture class, I get to know what is the usage of media. Media Culture class taught me the positive outcomes of media too. Personally, I appreciate media more now because that was what I've learnt in Media Culture class so far. Slowly, I have built interest in media.

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