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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Topic 5

The meaning and the differences of Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency

I searched through the meaning of obscenity, pornography and indecency as a starter. As I searched through the internet the meaning of each word, I’ve get a clearer understanding of each word. As for the first word ‘Obscenity’, it means prohibited or permitted sex. It differs with ‘Pornography’ because ‘Obscenity’ refers to the things that are considered nauseating, fetid or morally unhealthy. As for ‘Pornography’, it means pertaining to depiction of sexual immorality or erotic behaviour. On the other hand, ‘Indecency’ means things that are lack of modesty, taste, or decency.

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1. Nowadays, these three things can be easily found in many types of media, such as television, internet,magazine and many more. This is because, producers or even directors think that with this kind of sexualilty things, it can increases the rating of the viewer of some movie, film or magazine. In my religion, we are not allowed to watch this kind of things and because of that statement, parents should be more careful to protect their kids from watching illegal things.

2. These three things is totally a bit different but it put as the same level with different kinds of meaning. Eventhough they got different meaning, all I could say is that these three things are totally bad and it is not good to be watch by underage kids. We have to prevent these things to be seen by underage children especially through their entertainment such as cartoon shows.


Well, honestly we didn't learn much anything on this week because the lecturer gave us some briefing about our second assignment on human needs that media may help to satisfy humans in term of news and entertainment.

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